About The Hatchery

The Hatchery at Deer Run Farm was established in May of 2017 when we purchased the existing poultry operation from our neighbors, Will Morrow and Kent Ozkum of Whitmore Farm. They first started breeding and selling their poultry stock in 2003. After 14 years of building a quality reputation with quality flocks, they believed in us and trusted that we could not only continue their legacy, but expand on it and make it a successful part of our own farm.

Deer Run Farm is now the home of five heritage breed chicken flocks that are carefully bred to the standards of perfection set forth by the American Poultry Association. All of our birds are tested regularly for disease to ensure their health which affords us the opportunity to sell our hatching eggs, chicks and started birds with confidence of their health to our customers.

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About Our Birds

The five heritage breeds of chicken we raise are: Ameraucana, Copper Marans, Delaware, Olive Egger and Welsummer. Each of these breeds helps to contribute to our egg rainbow as they each lay a different colored egg.

Our hatchery is unlike any other in the U.S.!

All of our breeding flocks are hatched and raised right on the farm and are offered a life of pasture grazing all year around. In order to ensure their health while in an open air environment with potential exposure to wild birds, we test our flocks every 90 days for Mycoplasmas and Avian Influenza. At the end of every winter our flocks are tested for Pullorum Typhoid (Salmonella) to be able to continue our participation with the National Poultry Improvement Program (NPIP #MD 51-578).

We implement a combination of flock breeding and selective breeding to maintain genetic diversity amongst our flocks while still being able to hatch a larger quantity of birds than most other farm hatcheries. All of our breeding stock is hand selected and carefully reviewed and critiqued before earning a place in our breeding program. Customers can be assured that our breeding program is designed specifically to breed birds of high quality that maintain their heritage roots, that can compete in shows, and carry strong emphasis of proper egg color for their breed.

We know how much value lies within knowing the genetic make up of the birds one wishes to breed. We spend a lot of our time evaluating our birds and making breeding decisions to improve the genetics for future generations. We believe in the importance of sharing the breeding history of our lines so that the success of our flock doesn't end with us. This allows customer's to make informed decisions on how to continue to breed with our birds in their own flocks moving forward. It also allows us to give credit where credit is due to those breeders that came before us and have helped in the conservation of each breed. A brief breed history can be found on each breed's individual breed information page.

Chicken Apparel

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