
We will begin taking pre-orders for our Spring 2022 hatch season on November 1st. Spring orders will be filled on Tuesdays each week from March 1st through June 28th 2022.

We've been hatching and selling day old chicks as Deer Run Farm since the Fall of 2017. We participate in the National Poultry Improvement Plan and are certified disease free for Avian Influenza, Pullorium Typhoid, Mycoplasma Gallespticum and Mycoplasma Synoviae. We test regularly for these diseases to be able to maintain our certification and provide the healthiest chicks possible to our customers.
Because we are a SMALL family owned and operated farm we only have a select few breeds for our customer's to choose from: Ameraucana, Copper Marans, Delaware, Olive Egger and Welsummer. Even with the small selection of breeds, our customers may still achieve their desired colorful egg basket as each of our breeds lay unique and distinctly different colored eggs: blue, green, chocolate brown, terra-cotta, speckled, pink and cream.
To accommodate all of our customer's knowledge and understanding of how to raise and own chickens, we offer several stages of life of our birds from hatching eggs to day old chicks to juveniles to started birds. All egg, chick and older bird orders may be picked up from the farm directly or shipped during the appropriate seasons within the shipping requirements of your selected products.
Please note that all of our chicks, juveniles and started birds will have been VACCINATED FOR MAREK'S DISEASE prior to leaving our farm. We are able to skip vaccination for day old chick orders only if requested when placing your order. All juveniles and started birds will be vaccinated in order to reach their appropriate age for shipping on our farm amongst all of our other poultry. Hatching eggs will not be dipped or vaccinated in anyway, however it is good to note that chicks hatched from eggs that come from a hen who has been vaccinated for Marek's Disease may pass along natural antibodies against Marek's Disease. 

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